10 things I have done on a motorbike
1. Rode a motorbike (the obvious starter)
2. Rode with a passenger on a motorbike (harder than just you, especially when passenger is drunk and singing and attempting to dance)
3. Crashed a motorbike (within the first two weeks……)
4. Rode while talking on a mobile (no laws against it here)\
5. Rode on a highway (bit scarier when buses are coming right for you)
6. Rode while carrying the weekly shopping
7. Rode while carrying a bunch of flowers (hanging from the handle bars)
8. Stalled a motorbike….repeatedly (a favourite for Celine who is happy to let anyone nearby know as I frantically try to restart. Thanks Hun)
9. Rode through a storm on a motorbike
10. Paid in two months parking fees which wouldn’t get close to one hour at the Sydney airport (Cheers Sydney airport)
10 things I have to do on a motorbike
1. Ride with three or more people on a motorbike ( I have seen it done often)
2. Ride while smoking (everyone is doing it)
3. Ride while eating (not so many people doing that but I get hungry)
4. Do a proper road trip on the bike (I have only ventured 20km out of Hanoi)
5. Carry a case of beer home solo (a mark of my independence)
6. Act as a xeom (motorbike taxi) for people that need a ride
7. Transport local produce like a real Vietnamese
8. Instigate some road rage (very hard with the Vietnamese)
9. Think about actually getting a license (I just can’t be bothered)
10. Keep exploring (not hard in this city)
Alice et Noé ont adoré la photo, et ont bien rigolé hier soir en écoutant la traduction du post (enfin... tout ce que j'ai compris... soit 90%)