Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas

Christmas is coming again. In our fair regions of the world, we are cruelly aware of how little of a deal it is here… this year much more than last, as this time we both work in Vietnamese schools and listen to this: they don’t close on Christmas day. So… I’m working from 8.00 am to on the 25th, which prevents me from going out and getting drunk on Christmas eve, and then I have more classes from 6pm to 8pm,which prevents me from going out and getting drunk on Christmas day!
I guess I’ll eat a lot but I won’t drink too much eggnog, then.
Meeeerrry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Ouais, pas cool tout ça....
    en tout cas, moi je penserai TRES FORT A TOI, (et tous les autres aussi, probablement) et comme dab, tu vas me manquer TRES FORT... mais Joyeux Noël quand même, et j'ai fait partir un petit colis pour toi .....
    je t'aime
