Tuesday, June 15, 2010

motorbike crash

Did you know that driving in Hanoi is dangerous??
Well, I found out last week when I crashed, fell on my head and woke up with no memory of what I was doing there or what I had done the whole morning. I ended up in hospital and then spent a few days in bed with a mighty headache.
Glad I was wearing a hel met… not about to NOT weat one, ever!
I’m back on the bike now, a lot more wary though to be honest, and going ve-ry slo-o-o-ow… takes forever to get anywhere, but hey my life is worth it!

J’ai eu un accident de moto la semaine derniere, je me suis casse la tete sur le beton et ai fini a l’hopital avec un traumatisme cranien… ouille. Depuis je vis avec un mal de tete permanent et bien que je sois remontee sur ma moto, je suis plus prudente.

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