Saturday, October 3, 2009

Celine: Francis Cabrel en concert caritatif a Hanoi

On va voir Francis Cabrel en concert Jeudi prochain!!!! Ouaiiiis !
Je ne l’ai jamais vu en concert en France, d’ailleurs je ne l’ai jamais vu en concert du tout, et je vais aller le voir a l’Opera d’Hanoi ! Dingue. Je suis super contente.

Dan a gracieusement proposé de m’accompagner alors qu’il n’a jamais entendu parler de Cabrel et qu’il ne comprendra rien a ses chansons. Trop gentil non ?

Mais moi aussi je suis une gentille épouse, par exemple la semaine derniere quand il est rentré titubant d’une scéance de « bia hoi » avec notre proprio et qu’il m’a vomi sur les pieds, j’ai tout bien nettoyé par terre, puis je lui ai lavé le visage et les dents et l’ai couché. J

Francis Cabrel youhouuuu !!!

We have bought tickets to go see a charity concert next Thursday of one of my favourite French singer, Francis Cabrel. Here’s what they say about him on the Hanoi Opera House website:
Francis Cabrel (born 23 November 1953 in Agen, France) is a French singer-songwriter and guitarist. Inspired heavily by Bob Dylan, he has released a number of albums falling mostly within the realm of folk, with occasional forays into blues or country. Several of his songs, such as "L'encre de tes yeux" and "Petite Marie" have become enduring favourites in French music.

Dan being the good husband he is, is coming with me even though he has never heard of Francis Cabrel and he won't understand a word of the lyrics. I feel bad, but I am a good wife too at times: like last Thursday, when he came home hammered: I told him to go to the bathroom in case he needed to be sick. He didn't listen to me and puked on my feet. I laughed, cleaned the floor, washed his face and put him to bed... good wife!

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